When it comes to finding legal representation in Los Angeles County, there are a few options available for those who are looking for free or low-cost legal help. The Los Angeles Legal Aid Foundation (LAFLA) is a non-profit organization that provides free legal aid to those living in poverty in the greater Los Angeles area. The LAFLA follows federal poverty guidelines and only helps people with incomes below 125% of the federal poverty guidelines. The National Legal Services of Los Angeles (NLSLA) is another organization that provides free legal aid to more than 160,000 individuals and families throughout Los Angeles County each year.
Through a combination of individual representation, high-impact litigation, and public policy promotion, the NLSLA combats the immediate and lasting effects of poverty and expands access to health, opportunity, and justice in the diverse neighborhoods of Los Angeles. The NLSLA operates self-help legal access centers in courthouses throughout Los Angeles County, where litigants who need protection from domestic violence, resolve child custody disputes, file for divorce, and stop an eviction can access legal guidance and referrals to legal services. For any other type of case, there are also options for finding free or low-cost legal help in Los Angeles. Anyone seeking competent and honest legal representation in California can request a FREE referral from an attorney. It is important to remember that anything FREE comes at a price. Finding pro bono attorneys in Los Angeles is always in high demand, so it's very important to be flexible to explore other options if you want to settle your legal case.
It is also essential to select the right California attorney to care for and protect your interests. The LAFLA seeks to achieve equal justice for people living in poverty in the greater Los Angeles area. There are significant free opportunities to create lasting improvements in the lives of individuals and families in Los Angeles. Keep up with the latest news and stories about LAFLA's work to protect and promote the rights of the most underserved in the greater Los Angeles area.